My experience using blogs in this class was
good and interesting because I never used this platform before or any webpage
where I can express my opinions, thoughts or any what I want to write. About my
writing skills I feel that I improved a lot, not too much in vocabulary – if I learned
new words I forget it because I have a bad memory :( - but in the ability to write
the things that I think faster than before (in English) and this is thanks to
the practice so this is a good method used by the professors or the English
Department for teach and is more creative than all the time doing exercise
guides on paper. Other think that I liked and enjoy about the work in blogs is
that I meet some points of view about specific topics of my classmates and this
is a dynamic that wouldn’t happen with other types of activities. For finish, I
would like to include in the future maybe write exercises with more
controversial topics like politic, local or world news, or the expressions of
beliefs in general of more free topics.
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