When I think what would like to work in future comes to my mind only one thing: help people. I'm not sure if my university carreer will be the tool to get it but i would like to try to do by this way. As I mentioned before, I'm studying anthopology and I want to "specialize" in social anthropology and altoughs somestines I question myself if I want to use this way to help people, this carreer have a lot of tools fot achieve it. I would like this job because is more easy to me the social area than others and antropology would allow me help people, but How this carreer allows me that? for example, I could work in educationals institutions, corporations or in all levels of goberments, so in this areas I would have more incidence for achieve changes in the people lifes. When I become a social anthropologist I will need a lot of skills, like social abilities (social interaction or effective comunication), understand the human diversity, skills for collect and un...